Let's transform the way you network . . . and create the network you need.

We help editors, authors, and creatives find success by learning how to network authentically and joyfully.

What's Your Networking Story?

  • Is freelancer life leaving you feeling isolated and unsupported?
  • Are you handing out business cards, liking and commenting on social media, but not connecting?
  • Does the word "networking" spike your imposter syndrome and make you cringe inside?

We've been there too, but together, we've learned how to create our networks and find our community while staying true to ourselves.

It's possible, whether your an introvert, extrovert, or anywhere in between, and we can help you get there.

How we can help you build your network:

Community-Powered Courses

Double the benefit by practicing your networking skills while learning to network.

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Self-Paced Courses

Learn at your own pace and receive private instructor guidance.

What Is The Networking Studio?

With almost thirty years of combined experience as freelance editors, Linda and Brittany have been there too. We know what it's like to be new editors trying to find our place, to be experienced editors who've found some success but sense there's a better way, and to be veteran editors with insights to share, work we enjoy, and a network to support and be supported by.

Together, we've learned how to network with intention, generosity, and self-acceptance. Through our award-winning book, Networking for Freelance Editors, and our years of volunteer work for organizations like the Editorial Freelancers Association and the Professional Editors Network, we've learned what it takes to network successfully.

The Networking Studio's goal is to help you learn how to build a network that will support your success and professional well-being, today and tomorrow.

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